high quality translations
attested and authenticated translations of
- contracts, legal texts (all types) annual reports, financial statements, financial analyses, balance sheets
- business reports, business plans, press releases
- documents, deeds, certificates, records, references
- due-diligence studies
- company presentations, marketing materials, advertisement texts, websites, flyers
- correspondence
- real estate business texts
- speeches, publications
- minutes, reports
Customers in the US are welcome to pay in US dollars (and thus save fees), clients in the UK are welcome to pay in Pounds Sterling, preferably via PayPal.
Cost estimate: Easy - just send us your text via e-mail, and we will send a cost estimate.
Or call us (+49[0]531-77011) and ask.
Digital signature:
Approved translations by sworn translators sent online ... with a digital signature:
See www.beglaubigte-uebersetzung-online-verschicken.de/81.html (information in English on authenticated translations with a digital signature
We are a member of (or Dr. I. Thormann is a member of):
- ATA (American Translators Association, www.atanet.org), and the German
- ADÜ-Nord (Associated interpreters and translators in Northern Germany, www.adue-nord.de)
- Chartered Institute of Linguists (http://www.ciol.org.uk, practising certificate in the sections Translation and "Specalist Language Services"),
- ABC (The Association for Business Communication)
- IATEFL/BESIG (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language/Business English Special Interest Group)
We are entitled to produce certified and authenticated translations of deeds, certificates, documents (see round stamp below).
In order to ensure the quality of our translations, we work in accordance with the DIN EN 15038 European Quality Standard (former German DIN 2345) and the ASTM International F 2575-06 Standard for quality assurance.
Our translators are native speakers, graduates of translation studies, members of internationally recognised translators' associations (e.g. ATA, BDÜ, ADÜ-Nord, CIoL, Aticom). Our translators have many years of professional experience in their specialist areas. We work very closely with every one of our translators and thereby ensure a fast and reliable completion of your order. At the same time, we only deliver documents which have been subjected to proofreading, correction, revision.
Web page translations
In today's global market place, one of the most effective ways to develop foreign sales and to increase your turnover is to offer your website also in other languages, e.g. German. We offer web page translations from English into German (and from German to English). Tell us your 'URL'; we will be glad to send you our cost estimate
Isabelle E. Thormann (founder and managing director)
- Officially approved, authorized, sworn and registered translator for German to English and English to German
- Degrees in German and English Linguistics and Business Administration, 3 years USA
- PhD in Linguistics ("Business English", 1992)
- Proofreading of German texts (incl. academic texts) and translations
- Courses in German as a Foreign Language (seminars and webinars)
- Seminars and webinars in "German Legalese" for translators and interpreters
- Officially acknowledged and sworn court expert for Linguistics: "Business Communication German and English"
- Teaching assignments at Braunschweig Technical University, Germany: Business English, German Legal Language, Translation German>English, Forensic Linguistics
profile / short résumé / prices
Colleagues we cooperate with (in addition to our team)
Mr. S. Deichmann (technical translations English>German, 05673-9147428, f-sd@gmx.de)
Ms. V. Streitwieser (089-26019363, streitwieser@iaguna.com)
Ms. C. Häfele (06221-335297, c.haefele@dolmetschen-und-uebersetzen.net)
Ms. K. Digiorgio/Wortlaut (technical translations English>German, 0711-912-575-98, info@wortlaut.eu)
Ms. Isabel Schwagereit (interpreter technical topics, 02053-969393, is@sigma-uebersetzungen.de)
Mr. R. Penton (0044-[0]1507-343076, roger.penton@red90translations.com)r. Richard Delaney (030-74694423, legal@delaneytanslations.com)
Ms. Angela Weckler (04174-3732, angelaweckler@t-online.de)
Ms. Jadwiga Bobrowska (0211-482513, j.bobrowska@gmx.net)
Mr. Martin Ritschel (technical translations, 05829-3319907, Info@Ritschel-Uebersetzung.de)